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PGCE Modules

PGCE modules and workload - Leeds Beckett University

Independent study is a crucial part of learning at university and you will be required to undertake many hours of self-directed research and reading, and preparation and writing of assessments. Your course is delivered through a number of modules, which will help you to plan your time and establish a study routine. Outside of your lectures, workshops and tutorials, a range of support is available to assist with your independent study. LBU's subject-specific librarians will be on hand to direct you to the specialist learning and study-skill resources. You’ll also be assigned an academic advisor to give you tailored feedback and support.

LBU's silver status in the latest Teaching Excellence Framework, reflects our commitment to deliver high-quality teaching, learning and outcomes for our students.

See below an outline of the modules you will be covering in the online PGCE course with the Leeds Beckett University.

Professional Values and Practice (PVP): 20 credits

Topic 1
Exploring Professional Values and Practice

Topic 2
Strategies for Promoting Learning

Topic 3
Understanding Safe and Effective Learning Environments

For the Professional Values and Practice module there is one summative assessment, and it is worth 100% of the marks for the module - An essay of 4000 words around professional context, policy analysis, classroom observation reports and teaching experience.

Developing Subject Competence (DSC): 20 credits

Topic 1
Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Topic 2
The Nature of Individual Subject Areas

Topic 3
Understanding Learner Misconceptions

Topic 4
Continuity and Progression

Topic 5
Subject Specific Assessment

Topic 6
Planning for Learning

Topic 7
Continuing Professional Development

For the Developing Subject Competence module there is one assignment and it is worth 100% of the marks for the module - an essay of 4000 words with supporting appendices. around your subject expertise and policy studies.

School-Based Independent Study (SBIS): 20 credits

Topic 1
What is Action Research?

Topic 2
Choosing your topic

Topic 3
Ethical issues and principles

Topic 4
The research process

Topic 5
Presenting your Study

For the School-Based Independent Study module there is one assignment, and it is worth 100% of the marks for the module - a research based project of 4000 words with supporting appendices.

3000 word (equivalent of) Digital Poster, with voice or script commentary and 1000 words Ethical application (submitted before starting the action research/assignment).

Overall workload

Each module on our distance learning courses is individually designed to maximise your learning so study requirements will vary. As a general guideline, you’ll need to allocate around 10 hours per week to complete each module, plus a further five hours for additional reading and assignments.

However, this may vary depending on the module. Teaching and learning will be delivered using a range of interactive resources. This typically includes audio and video content, group discussions, reflective exercises, quizzes, online reading and much more. All these resources are delivered through LBU's Virtual Learning Environment and can be accessed at a time and place that suits you.

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Gain QTS Certification and teach in China or globally with Leeds Beckett University's online PGCE program.

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