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Englisher PGCE course

PGCE requirements - Leeds Beckett University

The following documents are needed to apply to get an offer from the university to study the distance learning course PGCE. The information you can provide us, the more chances your application will come back successful.


Name, address within China, passport details.
For the Professional Values and Practice module there is one summative assessment, and it is worth 100% of the marks for the module - An essay of 4000 words around professional context, policy analysis, classroom observation reports and teaching experience.

Academic qualifications

Degree details, start and end date. Degree transcript showing what modules you completed. Qualifications such as GCSE’s, Master’s degree, etc.
Please provide your qualifications. We will need your GCSE certificates for English and Maths. If you are not from the UK, you can provide your GCSE equivalent qualifications in English and Math from your high school. (Example: Matric qualification from SA). You can view the link to see what qualifications you need to submit at the link below. Please provide degree transcript as well as the certificate along with the start and end date of the qualifications.

More info: countries

Select your country and find out the exact documents you’ll need to apply for this PGCE, if you’re still unsure ask the Englisher agent to help you out with more details.

English language qualifications

Do you have anything like IELTS or TOELF, or even a TEFL to support how good your English is?
If you have a degree from the UK, USA, AUD, you will not need to take an IELTS test. For those who are not from the UK, some countries will require you to complete IELTS or TOELF to get onto the course. If you do not have the above, don’t worry! You can take a Duolingo English exam online, the results will show the university you are capable of studying the course. Contact us to book your English test.

Work experience

Your previous and current employment within China or as a teacher. Start date, end date and your responsibilities in each role. If you have a CV / resume with all these details, send that over! Please also get reference/recommendation letters from your previous/current employers to support you.
We will need to upload all your teaching experience to the application. Please help provide us with the name of your school when you started and finished and a little bit about your responsibilities at the school. It is also important to get a reference letter or a recommendation letter to go along with this to prove what you’re saying is true! If you need examples, ask the Englisher agent.

Supporting documents

• Submit agent consent form. (Agency will give you to fill out)
• Submit employer supporting reference (Agency will give you to fill out)
• personal statement. (1 page document saying why you want to study the course and a little bit about yourself and previous experiences as a teacher.)
It is important to fill out the agent consent form, which gives us the ability to help apply your application on your behalf. It is also important to fill out the employer supporting reference. This document should be filled out by your current employer, or you can fill it out on their behalf. Basically, saying you are a teacher during your studies. If you need examples or help to fill it out, contact your Englisher agent. Please also fill out a personal statement, roughly 1 page long talking about your teaching experience and a little bit more about your personality. Please add why you want to complete the PGCE.

Other useful links

Leeds Beckett Postgraduate PGCE: Click here

Find your country: Click here

Official WeChat : PGCE Education (Online) at LBU Click here


Englisher: Official PGCE agent in China

The Leeds Beckett University has several agents working accross the globe. Englisher is one of the official agents in China, helping teachers working in China, obtaining their PGCE. You can check the link below. Make sure to scroll down to "Qingdao".


Official Partner of Leeds Beckett University

PHONE: 15053262325

EMAIL US: support@englisher.co.uk

Gain QTS Certification and teach in China or globally with Leeds Beckett University's online PGCE program.

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